Our Import-Export company in China offers customers the management of their supply chain on a whole basis from initial order to final delivery. Our sourcing services include the following operations :

Manufacturer Assessment

We may select the right supplier from our database of partners or find the specific one according to your requirements. Our mission consists in verifying the manufacturer’s ability to source quality products and conduct an audit to set risks aside.

Contract Negotiation

As your sourcing representative, we negociate and validate the terms of contract with chinese suppliers to provide you the best market price conditions but also to protect your brand.

Lab Testings & Certifications Control

Importing requires holding proper products that will be sold under applicable standards in your country and as such, we control required documents for your products and work closely with testing labs.

Quality Inspections (On Production /Pre-Shipment)

Controlling quality is one of the most important steps to know if your products meet all quality standards or must be rejected. With our local team of inspectors and third party partners, we are able to control all quality aspects of your manufactured goods in any region of China.

Logistic Management

We work with several international transport partners to reduce your costs and decrease time of delivery. Freight optimization is part of the solutions we provide in cooperation for your container carriage.

Customs Clearance & Delivery Supervision

Once your products are shipped, we will then monitor their customs clearance and communicate you their ongoing process until final delivery. Our commitments end when our customer is satisfied with his delivery.


We help Sellers on Amazon optimize their supply chain by reducing their costs of freight, product handling and packing preparation.

Our customers can benefit from a more competitive edge using Amazon’s Program called Fullfilment by Amazon (FBA Amazon) with our value-added dropshipping services:

  • Barcode Labels & Packaging Management
  • Quality Control before shipment
  • Direct Shipping from China to Amazon’s Warehouse (or any distribution platform)
  • Freight coordination & Follow-up

Do you need more information ? Ask for a quote now…